过年回家, 想跟家人来个象棋大战, 故做了这个游戏, 希望大家喜欢:) 暂时仅支持局域网对战, 无需互联网。 使用方法: 1. 局域网内两个 chrome 浏览器安装此应用后;..
过年回家, 想跟家人来个象棋大战, 故做了这个游戏, 希望大家喜欢:) 暂时仅支持局域网对战, 无需互联网。 使用方法: 1. 局域网内两个 chrome 浏览器安装此应用后; 2. 在一个 chrome 上点击 “我来开棋”, 就会在此机上开启一个 web 服务, 可以接受其他 chrome 的连接; 在 windows 系统上, 防火墙可能会提示是否允许..
| 游戏
电子竞技是它听起来的样子,一种投注esports的方式。 关于押注esport的可能性进展缓慢,但现在当我们知道在esports上有更多的观众时,普通体育运动就有一个事实,需求..
电子竞技是它听起来的样子,一种投注esports的方式。 关于押注esport的可能性进展缓慢,但现在当我们知道在esports上有更多的观众时,普通体育运动就有一个事实,需求就会增长。
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在我们看来,我们提供最好的奖金在瑞典。 在这个应用程序的帮助下,您可以更轻松地为您找到合适的奖金。
在我们看来,我们提供最好的奖金在瑞典。 在这个应用程序的帮助下,您可以更轻松地为您找到合适的奖金。
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所有你需要做的是触摸一个形状的任何部分到匹配其颜色的球门广场,然后水平将是完整的,你将继续进入下一个。听起来可能很简单,一开始是。从机械上讲,你所要做的就是在屏幕上拖动你的手指 “切”,然后让重力做其余的事情
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维度数据 “合作伙伴追寻” 合作伙伴追求是一个有趣的琐事应用程序开发的维度数据会议。通过使用Dimension Data回答与不同合作伙伴相关的问题来测试您的知识。..
维度数据 “合作伙伴追寻” 合作伙伴追求是一个有趣的琐事应用程序开发的维度数据会议。通过使用Dimension Data回答与不同合作伙伴相关的问题来测试您的知识。 · 来自Dimension Data和合作伙伴的1,000名与会者 · 来自Polycom、EMC、Cisco、NetApp等公司的领导人将在我们的会议上..
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太空战斗防御是一个简单的修改塔防游戏。 保卫你的母舰免受无尽的敌人攻击。在这场史诗般的太空战争中生存尽可能长的时间!
太空战斗防御是一个简单的修改塔防游戏。 保卫你的母舰免受无尽的敌人攻击。在这场史诗般的太空战争中生存尽可能长的时间!
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北方力量是一个基于文本的黑手党游戏。我们的目标是通过实施犯罪行为,买卖商品,执行任务,参与论坛讨论,并在战术和明智的游戏中建立他们的黑手党用户。你越活跃,排队的速度就越快。如果你玩得对,你可能是为数不多的达到卡波 · 唐 (Capo Don) 享有盛名的级别的人之一。如果你的经济状况良好,那么机会就是让你自己创业! 游戏现场也有帮派。每个团伙都..
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《点可爱的箱庭游戏》 在幻想世界的东西交易中心建设城市 是城市建设模拟游..
《点可爱的箱庭游戏》 在幻想世界的东西交易中心建设城市 是城市建设模拟游戏。 详情请向HP确认。 Thank you interested This is now actually Early access. I appreciate your understanding in this matter. "Labyrinth village" is a "f..
| 游戏
不必要的.dev工作室介绍。 一款原创游戏,google chrome上的tic tac toe。
不必要的.dev工作室介绍。 一款原创游戏,google chrome上的tic tac toe。
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准备好成为一名战斗机飞行员在空战一个伟大的游戏熊猫指挥官空战将给你一个机会成为战斗机飞行员,并飞行梦幻般的喷气式飞机在这个行动包装的游戏与空战,你必须摧毁你的敌人,并保护你的领土从入侵者的飞机任务听起来足够简单不是它。 飞行员这个熊猫指挥官的飞机,并开始释放一个伟大的战斗在空中对你所有的敌人。您将不得不使用PC的鼠标,或您的移动设备的触摸屏,移动飞机和闪避对..
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飞越敌人的领土,同时摧毁他们的军队!这个战争游戏让你在武装直升机的驾驶舱。你必须在致命的天空驾驶直升机,同时释放回击火力。道奇子弹来你的方式,并坚持通过每个任务! 鼠标控制
飞越敌人的领土,同时摧毁他们的军队!这个战争游戏让你在武装直升机的驾驶舱。你必须在致命的天空驾驶直升机,同时释放回击火力。道奇子弹来你的方式,并坚持通过每个任务! 鼠标控制
| 游戏
Beautiful sniper games inside, choos..
Beautiful sniper games inside, choose the one that's right for you and enjoy the game. Good luck Don't waste your time and shoot at the targets well, don't be afraid and go to the ..
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Astro Emporia is a simple turn based..
Astro Emporia is a simple turn based strategy where your objective is to make as much money in a limited amount of turns. It is initially available on Google Chrome Webstore as a s..
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A spider that travels in hidden pass..
A spider that travels in hidden passages This game is about a spider that travels across different worlds and then finds hidden escapes. Use the arrows keys to move.
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Iwasan ang scanner. Tumakas at mamerwisyo. A parody of the untraceable bullets.
Iwasan ang scanner. Tumakas at mamerwisyo. A parody of the untraceable bullets.
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A minesweeper like graphics, a snake..
A minesweeper like graphics, a snake like gameplay, what more would you like? This game is another addition to the "easy to learn but hard to master" category. Just arrow keys to m..
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Kapi Hospitalupjers Browsergame Im v..
Kapi Hospitalupjers Browsergame Im verrückten Browserspiel Kapi Hospital eröffnest du als Arzt dein eigenes Krankenhaus. Doch bevor du startest, musst du erst einmal deine zukünfti..
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The robotic snake wants to protect h..
The robotic snake wants to protect his egg use tons of upgrades and coll weapons! This fun game is one of the best games at the moment. It has all you want from the latest action g..
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Stronghold2D is the best mass multip..
Stronghold2D is the best mass multiplayer 2D war game. Build a Stronghold and Protect it! Stronghold2D is the best mass multiplayer 2D war game for Chromebook. Build a Stronghold a..
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A simple test of construct physics, ..
A simple test of construct physics, and touch for android devices. A test of the physics in construct 2. Part of a project to learn construct 2 programming, and make apps across mo..
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in this fun game make smally bird go through the pipes
in this fun game make smally bird go through the pipes
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A game where you have to get alot of..
A game where you have to get alot of dollars to win. The game is a casual but complex gameThe goal is to throw as many chains around Tyrone Banks' neck as possibleIf Tyrone Banks g..
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Use your Towers to prevent the creat..
Use your Towers to prevent the creatures from reaching the top of the mountain! Defend your mountain from the invading forces! Strategically place towers high on the mountain to sh..
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Um jogo de fisica super viciante, o ..
Um jogo de fisica super viciante, o objetivo do jogo é conduzir nosso personagem com segurança passando pelos obstaculos
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Become the ultimate ancient Roman bu..
Become the ultimate ancient Roman business tycoon! Roman Tycoon is an idle business management simulation tycoon game set an ancient Rome. You start out with nothing as aspiring Ro..
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Empire: Revenant is a free-to-play g..
Empire: Revenant is a free-to-play game. Your customized historical and mythological characters have become Heroes and Guardians. Empire: Revenant is a F2P battle strategy game usi..
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Build towers and destroy the evil tr..
Build towers and destroy the evil trolls! The evil trolls of Mt. Golash have risen and are threatening to invade the middle kingdom! Will mankind fall? Not on your watch. Build tow..
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The classic Nicholas Cage game is ba..
The classic Nicholas Cage game is back, with functioning high scores added! Control a floating Nicholas Cage head as you eat chicken legs and avoid eating celery! Press Space to tu..
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Epic Empires is a real-time MMO stra..
Epic Empires is a real-time MMO strategy game where you get to build bases, create armies and battle through single player and… Epic Empires is a real-time MMO strategy game where ..
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This is a two player online game whe..
This is a two player online game where each player starts with a main base and a few units. The goal is to destroy the other players base by 'liberating' neutral factories first to..
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The Rabbits are at war again, can yo..
The Rabbits are at war again, can you lead them to victory? Rabbit wars II is a game that puts you in charge of a group of Rabbits Battling for survival. This is an Experimental ne..
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