




Powerful commands in your browser. 浏览器中强大的命令。

Backtick is a console for bookmarklets and scripts. For a better explanation, try out the demo at http://backtick.ninja/.

If you’d like to support the continued development of this extension, please consider making a donation in time by contributing on https://github.com/backtickbacktick





Take TweetDeck to the next level!
Improve your experience on TweetDeck web with tons of features! More informations on https://better.tw Report bugs here: https://github.com/eramdam/BetterTweetDeck/issues Source co..
OctoLinker – Links together, what be..
OctoLinker – Links together, what belongs together. OctoLinker – a browser extension for GitHub Navigate through projects on GitHub.com efficiently with OctoLinker. OctoLinker turn..
Filter tweets in Twitter web site. I..
Filter tweets in Twitter web site. IMPORTANT: To report bugs, request features or make questions, please go to SUPPORT section instead of REVIEWS. I don't get notifications of revi..
Display repo size, size of each file, download link and option to copy file contents
Extension that provides useful features on top of GitHub Website. FEATURES 1. Displays repo size. 2. Displays each file size in every active branch (not applicable for folder / sym..
GitHub Hovercard provides neat hover..
GitHub Hovercard provides neat hovercards for GitHub. It brings you instant access to user/repo/issue/commit information from anywhere on GitHub.
Renders Github equations with MathJa..
Renders Github equations with MathJax Extension add support for LaTeX equations in GitHub repositories, rendering them with an open source [MathJax](http://mathjax.org/) library. R..
[2013年5月26日]发布了0.12.0版!!! 发布历史:https..
[2013年5月26日]发布了0.12.0版!!! 发布历史:https://github.com/k2nr/vi Chrome/wiki/Release History 在http://github.com/k2nr/ViChrome/wiki/ViChrome用户手册上查看更多信息 ViChrome是一个谷歌Chrome扩展,允许您使用类似vi(vim)..
●打开过多杂乱无章的标签? ●找不到你要找的账单? 想要快速减少标签和窗口的混乱? Tab Extract可帮助您根据主题或站点轻松重新组织选项卡, 或快速查找选项卡,或轻松删..
●打开过多杂乱无章的标签? ●找不到你要找的账单? 想要快速减少标签和窗口的混乱? Tab Extract可帮助您根据主题或站点轻松重新组织选项卡, 或快速查找选项卡,或轻松删除多个选项卡。 工作原理: Tab Extract将所有选项卡从任何关键字匹配的窗口(在其URL或页面标题中)移动到新窗口。 若要使用,请键入“ex”,然后键入制表符/空格地址栏,然后..
This extension offers a quick way to..
This extension offers a quick way to show all twitter accounts from the page its on. This extension helps you find Twitter accounts for the page its on so you can contact or follow..
Welcome to Keeppy! Keeppy is the onl..
Welcome to Keeppy! Keeppy is the only tool you need as you surf the webUse it to collect, organize and edit the information that you findWith Keeppy, you can also add your own cont..
你有这么多的标签打开,你看不到他们的标题。然后你一遍又一遍地打开相同的选项卡。 这是可能的最最小的选项卡管理器。它做一件事: * 如果您尝试打开的新选项卡已经在窗口中打开,则它..
你有这么多的标签打开,你看不到他们的标题。然后你一遍又一遍地打开相同的选项卡。 这是可能的最最小的选项卡管理器。它做一件事: * 如果您尝试打开的新选项卡已经在窗口中打开,则它将您带到已经打开的选项卡,而不是打开新选项卡。
使用iOS companion应用程序,您可以轻松地在iOS设备上打开当前标签,反之亦然。设备之间无缝切换!
使用iOS companion应用程序,您可以轻松地在iOS设备上打开当前标签,反之亦然。设备之间无缝切换!
Bombo是生产力延伸!只需输入多长时间,你希望你的休息持续和Bombo将关闭任何新选项卡和窗口,当计时器熄灭!不过,不要担心,它不会触及任何已经存在的东西 :)
Bombo是生产力延伸!只需输入多长时间,你希望你的休息持续和Bombo将关闭任何新选项卡和窗口,当计时器熄灭!不过,不要担心,它不会触及任何已经存在的东西 :)
现在,只需单击一次,即可立即访问无限电影、电视连续剧、预告片评论。 此扩展将您的新选项卡页配置为filmsJunkie Start以提供这些功能。 使用filmsJunkie ..
现在,只需单击一次,即可立即访问无限电影、电视连续剧、预告片评论。 此扩展将您的新选项卡页配置为filmsJunkie Start以提供这些功能。 使用filmsJunkie Start,您可以观看电影、预告片、电视连续剧、关注喜爱的演员、阅读最新名人新闻、电影和系列评论都放在一个方便的地方。 立即加入成千上万的用户 •快速方便的搜索。 •观看电影惊悚片。 ..
WinTask component browser automation..
WinTask component browser automation. This extension only works with the WinTask software suite. WinTask component browser automation
| Edge
Plume is a dead simple note taking a..
Plume is a dead simple note taking app. To add a note, just type something in the yellow bar. Your notes can't be backed up, so don't write anything too important here ;)
Yahoo Mail Adblocker是Google Chrome瀏覽器的擴展程序,可自動從新的Yahoo Mail界面中刪除廣告面板和讚助鏈接,同時最大化閱讀窗格。 此擴展..
Yahoo Mail Adblocker是Google Chrome瀏覽器的擴展程序,可自動從新的Yahoo Mail界面中刪除廣告面板和讚助鏈接,同時最大化閱讀窗格。 此擴展程序與大多數常見的廣告阻止程序不同的是,它是專門為Yahoo Mail構建的,並且與許多其他廣告阻止程序不同,它沒有在以前的廣告中留出空間 通過仔細調整剩餘元素的樣式來填充空間。該擴展..
Passively learn a new language every..
Passively learn a new language every time you open a new tab. Lenny Tab помогает пассивно изучать английские слова при каждом открытии новой вкладки в браузере. Никакой зубрежки и ..
The main purpose of this ext is to r..
The main purpose of this ext is to reduce the memory usage. It suspends the inactive tabs and can clean the cache by user’s choice This extension automatically freeze(suspend) non-..
Extension to keep track of github pr..
Extension to keep track of github projects that are bookmarked The extension identifies bookmarked github projects within chrome and provides a simple view. v 1.0. . Project link t..

