


【图】SignEasy: Sign Documents & Collect Signatures(截图1)【图】SignEasy: Sign Documents & Collect Signatures(截图2)


SignEasy is the simplest and the fastest way to sign documents, fill forms and collect signatures from others remotely.

SignEasy helps you sign documents or get them remotely signed securely and legally on your mobile & desktop in minutes. Get started with a free account and upgrade for as low as $10.

With SignEasy for Google Apps, integrate the simple SignEasy for Web experience seamlessly from your Google Drive or Gmail and sign documents in minutes.

Key Features

-Navigate easily to the SignEasy Web application from the familiar Google Apps experience and complete the signing process.
-Enjoy the functionality in any web browser while being signed into your Google account
-One time installation by the administrator in case of teams/enterprises, eliminating the need of individual account creation by each member. The administrator may also give selective access to the team(s).

Why eSignatures?

Reduce Turnaround Time
Say goodbye to fax or the print-and-scan exercise. Self sign or get legally binding signatures from remote parties in minutes!

Eliminate Paperwork
Take a step towards having paperless offices and workflows which bring in efficiency.

About SignEasy

SignEasy is the simplest and fastest way for signing and getting documents remotely signed in minutes. People across industries such as real estate, legal, accounting, sales, insurance, human resources, logistics and healthcare from over 150 countries use SignEasy to reduce business turnaround times, close deals faster, cut costs and delight customers by eliminating the cycle of printing, scanning and faxing of paperwork.

With over 5 Million App downloads, SignEasy has been featured as a Best Business App by Apple consecutively in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2018 and consistently ranks in the top 10 downloaded apps and top 50 grossing business apps. It was the app of the day in June 2018 on Apple’s App Store across 150 countries.


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在标签中为您的浏览器提供舒适的墙纸。 Itadori Yuji 咒术回战壁纸新的选项卡浏览器扩展为设置选项卡打开辅助功能选项。 Itadori Yuji 咒术回战为新标签页扩展..
在标签中为您的浏览器提供舒适的墙纸。 Itadori Yuji 咒术回战壁纸新的选项卡浏览器扩展为设置选项卡打开辅助功能选项。 Itadori Yuji 咒术回战为新标签页扩展壁纸的可能性: 1.捷径 将您喜欢的网站保存到Itadori Yuji 咒术回战“新标签”书签栏中。 只需单击一下即可访问重要且经常访问的网站。 2.全高清壁纸 而不是无聊的灰色背景,..
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