
Daniel Albuquerque




Monitore and control your web navigation. 监视并控制您的网络导航。

Extension for personal control and navigation monitoring on the internet.

Do you spend a lot of time on sites like Facebook?
Try this chrome extension that allows you to track the access time of each site during your navigation.

Key features of self-control:

1 – The extension icon, which is located on the chrome bar, shows the navigation time on the site that you are currently viewing.
2 – Contains list of all sites visited and their respective navigation time.
3 – Allows blocking sites based on navigation time and time interval.







Replace new tab page with a personal dashboard to help you get focused, stay organized, and keep motivated to achieve your goals.
What if every new tab could calm your mind and increase your focus? Achieve your goals faster and more consistently with your own personal dashboard. Featuring to-do lists, weather..
Dragon Web Extension for Chrome
For Dragon 13 or later, this extension gives Dragon's full power in Chrome: - clicking objects by name (e.g. say "Click Contact" for a link named Contact) - enhanced dictating and ..
Forest 利用一个轻松有趣的方式,帮助您远离网路成瘾的干扰。每当您希望有一段专心工作的时间,您可以在 Forest 中种下一颗种籽。在接下来的时间内,这颗种籽将会慢慢地成长为一棵大树。若是您禁不起诱惑,在这段时间内去浏览了在您黑名单内列出的网站,您充满生机、可爱的小树将会枯萎而死。利用这样游戏化的方式,您将可以更专注于生活与工作中。 与我们的手机版本一起..
Security Pack for Chrome™: block malware, speed up your browser, block Ads and secure your privacy
All in one INTERNET SECURITY tool, protection against malware, malicious Chrome Extensions, fraudulent downloads, browser vulnerability and privacy threats. Protect Chrome when you..
A homepage you will fall in love with! Notifications, badges, recently closed tabs, quick notes, calendar and more.
This extension replaces your New Tab page with a customized dashboard. Your new beautiful Home will show favorite sites, notifications from various services, quick notes, weather a..
Facebook (TM) 的通知中心提供了警报的概述: 通知、信使、组和事件
facebook 的通知中心是谷歌 Chrome 浏览器的扩展, 它提供了来自 facebook 的警报的概述。它显示通知, 直到用户完成关联的操作。用户可以在通知中心选择图标的顺序。 你会发现在你的 Facebook 新闻 feed, 信息, 日历, 照片, 搜索, 网页和通知的新事件指示器的快速链接。 您可以按您喜欢的顺序重新排列按钮。只需按下图像, 将..
1. Click to start a 25-minute work timer, and work without distraction. 2. Click to start a 5-minute break timer, and kick back and relax. 3. Repeat until all your work is done. Wh..
厌倦了在你一次又一次访问一个网站后看到Facebook的广告?“Facebook Disconnect 2016”Chrome扩展允许您在第三方网站上完全断开Facebook的..
厌倦了在你一次又一次访问一个网站后看到Facebook的广告?“Facebook Disconnect 2016”Chrome扩展允许您在第三方网站上完全断开Facebook的连接,以阻止Facebook跟踪您。此外,它还可以让你更快、更私密、更安全地上网。 “Facebook Disconnect 2016”插件是一个有效的防火墙,通过阻止所有第三方网站发..
Want to be productive?Ride the Owl! ..
Want to be productive?Ride the Owl! The Productivity Owl eliminates your time wasting habits on the internet Instead of just blacklisting certain websites, the productivity owl is ..
This extension allows you to manage ..
This extension allows you to manage and test extensions that change the new tab in Chrome. You can install and uninstall extensions from the options page and enable or disable the ..
支持超过1000种格式,在线转换、压缩、编辑视频,音频,图像文件。 Co..
支持超过1000种格式,在线转换、压缩、编辑视频,音频,图像文件。 Convert AVI video files to MP4 Online UniConverter can convert AVI to MP4, MOV, WEBM, WMV and more formats without losing quality. The converted f..
Open a new tab where choose what you..
Open a new tab where choose what you would like to focus on that day as well as up to three projects you would like to work on. Be More Mindful allows you to choose what you would ..
Stores links in very accessible mann..
Stores links in very accessible manner! This Extension is to help fast track your way to getting business credit step by step. It has all the resources you would need for business ..
Mara Clock. It displays multiple wor..
Mara Clock. It displays multiple world clocks that you can add, remove, sort and edit. 세계 시계 / 세계 시간 World Clock Viewer By MaraSong 월드 타임존 World Time Zone. Reference : http://rando..
Acesse um protocolo do Bravo apenas ..
Acesse um protocolo do Bravo apenas pelo número sem precisar copiar e colar na URL toda hora! Para utilizar a extensão, basta selecionar os números do protocolo recebido pelo Hango..
与lc一起为游客创建文件传输行为! 扩展使您可以使用个人帐户中的网站上的数据自动创建向游客发送文件的行为!
与lc一起为游客创建文件传输行为! 扩展使您可以使用个人帐户中的网站上的数据自动创建向游客发送文件的行为!
Crea tareas y archiva emails en REPA..
Crea tareas y archiva emails en REPASAT desde GMAIL ¿Recibes un elevado número de emails y no tienes tiempo para organizar tus tareas o las actividades de tu equipo de trabajo? Rep..
Fixes annoying sound problems in You..
Fixes annoying sound problems in YouTube videos and suche.g. audio in one channel only, or audio too quiet/loud A web extension that lets you fix annoying sound problems on the web..
通过EveReview,用户可以随时对网上任意内容(文章、图片、产品、人物、企业等)进行评论而不管其访问的页面有否评论功能。EveReview首页(www.nugaa.com)可实时观看其他用户同一时间内都在评论什么、看什么网页。 通过EveReview,用户可以随时对网上任意内容(文章、图片、产品、人物、企业等)进行评论而不管其访问的页面有否评论功能。Ev..
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XrosRTC-Calendar-cjt-rtc-xros-biz XrosRTC Calendar Desktop Sharing

