iBookmark Bookmarks 收藏夹
打造最好用的Chrome书签收藏夹插件. 1.将收藏夹以列表展示,相比树形图不用层层点击,可以直接看到所有网址; 2.支持搜索,快速查找; 3.支持在某分类下面新建收藏站点; ..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- fnfchnalfnjbjbfeccpophocngdgapad
- 版本:
- 0.0.3
- 大小:
- 26.73KiB
- 类型:
- 扩展
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2017-04-18
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- winniringy
iBookmark Bookmarks 收藏夹插件截图
iBookmark Bookmarks 收藏夹插件简介
The best bookmarks plug-in for Chrome.
1. Display bookmarks with list, compared to the layers of the tree,you do need click, you can directly see all URLs;
2. Support the search, quickly find;
3. Support add new site;
4. Click URL favicon icon, you can modify the bookmarks and delete operations;
5. Support most visited statistics, frequently used site top;
6. Support the newly added URL display.
类似iBookmark Bookmarks 收藏夹插件
| 生产工具
Adds a bookmarks icon to the toolbar..
Adds a bookmarks icon to the toolbar. Bookmarks can be displayed in folders or as a collapsible list. Bookmarks can also be displayed in a panel window by right-clicking the icon. ..
| 生产工具
不占用 New Tab 版: Steward 官网:http://oks..
不占用 New Tab 版: Steward 官网:http://oksteward.com/ 论坛:http://bbs.oksteward.com 最新版: 新增全局 Actions,在设置> 高级> Action Editor 里编辑; urlblock 插件新增 bkseturl 命令,设置 block 替换页。 近期更新: Workfl..
| 生产工具
A tree-view bookmark sidebar which a..
A tree-view bookmark sidebar which allows for easier navigation A tree view bookmark left-sidebar, used t enhance browsing when you have tons of bookmarks and you find it difficult..
| 生产工具
- 直接输入搜索标签页 - 分类显示现有标签页 - 点击跳转,方便查找 - 分类关闭,快速清理 - 拖动改变顺序,方便在窗口之间移动标签页 - 显示最近关闭的标签页,点击重新开启 快捷键打开 - Windows – ControlShiftK - Mac – CommandShiftK (如需修改,可在地址栏输入 chrome://extensions/sh..
| 实用程序
A bookmarks tree popup extension for..
A bookmarks tree popup extension for Chrome. No ads, no spyware. Search bookmarks by tag Address bar by typing "* " (asterisk-space) Shortcut keys Alt+A Sidebar on/off Alt+S Popup ..
| 生产工具
An elegant bookmark manager with fuzzy search and more
The "Bookmarks Manager and Viewer" extension provides a panel view to modify your bookmarks. The panel is equipped with fuzzy search (like Google search) to help you find the match..
| 实用程序
This Kofax PDF Create extension can ..
This Kofax PDF Create extension can be used only if Kofax Power PDF 3 or a higher version is installed on your computer. It functions only in a Windows environment. This PDF creati..
| 扩展
| 扩展
Başka bir program ya da yeni bir sek..
Başka bir program ya da yeni bir sekme açmadan tek tıkla Radyo Eksen dinle. Bu eklenti, Winamp, Windows Media Player ya da iTunes gibi harici bir program açmadan, ya da Radyo Eksen..
| 扩展
Text from any CRM or web app without..
Text from any CRM or web app without disrupting your workflow Access the powerful, flexible features of Matador's texting-for-business software directly from your CRM or any web ap..
| 扩展
Force Slack to open archive links in..
Force Slack to open archive links in the browser not the desktop app. See https://github.com/wearhere/ForceSlackInBrowser for more information.
| 扩展
This WebRTC screen capturing extensi..
This WebRTC screen capturing extension can be used within any WebRTC library/application! Use getScreenId.js!
| 扩展
此扩展更新google收件箱的favicon,以显示未读计数。 数字将从1-9开始,然后任何更大的都会显示为星号。 当我说它很简单,我的意思是它非常简单。它不会与GMail一起..
此扩展更新google收件箱的favicon,以显示未读计数。 数字将从1-9开始,然后任何更大的都会显示为星号。 当我说它很简单,我的意思是它非常简单。它不会与GMail一起工作。它不会与多个收件箱一起工作 (可能)。 它只使用非分类收件箱进行了测试,并依赖于计算粗体的行数。它不使用GMail API。 它可能不是那么可靠,但是我为了一个非常特定的目的而为..
| 扩展
A simple script to visualize images ..
A simple script to visualize images that are served by apache web file server, to use it Just Click the Extension Icon
| 扩展
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在浏览器中显示.rtf(富文本格式)文件 此chrome扩展程序允许在浏览器中查看RTF(富文本格式)文件 免责声明:请注意,此扩展程序不是由Google而是由独立的开发团队开发的。 所有版权属于其各自所有者。 Google不认可或赞助此Chrome扩展程序。 Google Chrome浏览器的RTF开启程序不归Google Inc.所有,未经Google ..
| 扩展