NeoBux Title
**更新23/02/2017** 删除了一些错误-添加了一些功能.. 帮助共享应用以保持可用性。 **更新14/02/2017** 更新了扩展以使其更快并删除了一些错误 请与您..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- enagnnddicmngiccldpmnhddajbbiapi
- 版本:
- 1.2.4
- 大小:
- 356KiB
- 类型:
- 扩展
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2017-02-23
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- EmilAagaard
NeoBux Title插件截图
NeoBux Title插件简介
Show your main balance and number of adprizes in the website title 在网站标题中显示您的主要余额和调整次数
** Update 23/02/2017 **
Removed some bugs – Added some features..
Help share the app to keep it available.
** Update 14/02/2017 **
Updated extension to make it faster and removed some bugs
Please share the app with your fellow Neobux friends.
** Update 11/01/2016 **
Had to take some steps to keep this extension alive.
Please tell me what you would like to see in the future.
<3 Share and Care <3
** Information **
NeoBux title adds your main balance and if there is AdPrizes to the website title. This will always keep you up to date with how much your have in your main balance af if you are doing AdPrizes you know how many there are left.
This is a nice little tool for NeoBux users, just to make the life a little bit easier.
NeoBux title添加您的主要余额,如果网站标题有重定值。如果你做的是调整你知道还剩多少,这会让你随时了解你的主余额af有多少。