ZenMate Secure Email (Beta)
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- lgnhdjncgaebccjldgeianajcndhingd
- 版本:
- 大小:
- 844KiB
- 类型:
- 扩展
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2016-07-11
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- ZenMate
ZenMate Secure Email插件截图
ZenMate Secure Email插件简介
Emails are like postcards – we provide the envelope. Get easy security and privacy with ZenMate Secure Email now – for FREE! 电子邮件就像明信片-我们提供信封。立即使用ZenMate安全电子邮件获得轻松的安全和隐私-免费!
This extension is still in *Beta* mode, and we’d like you to tell us what you think. Whether you have ideas for improvements, experience any issues, or just want to tell us about your experience, leave your feedback here: http://go.zenmate.com/10p9V
Do you have sensitive content to send? Are you concerned about privacy? Don’t let prying eyes spy on your email conversations. ZenMate Secure Email extension offers you enhanced security for your Gmail account.
>>ZenMate Secure Email extension is currently only available on Google Chrome and for Gmail. Recipients using other major web browsers and web clients can receive and read their secure emails in our secure web viewer.<<
ZenMate uses 128 bit AES encryption to protect the privacy of your emails, and passphrase encryption to lock them – so your email is as secure as the password you create. It seamlessly integrates into your Gmail interface and enables you to send and receive emails securely. Even recipients without the extension will be able to unlock and read your protected emails on our secure web viewer. Just write emails as you always do, but with the added reassurance of ZenMate security.
– Who are we? –
ZenMate is the easiest way to stay secure and private online while accessing the content you love.
ZenMate is trusted by over 25 million users, and won the Europas Award for ‘Best Security/Privacy Startup of 2014’.
– Get in Touch! –
Website: zenmate.com
Twitter: @ZenMate
Facebook: ZenMate
Google+: ZenMate
YouTube: ZenMate
– Security Advice –
ZenMate strongly advises you to utilize the free extension ‘FlashControl’ [available in the Marketplace] in conjunction with ZenMate, to prevent security threats caused by ‘Flash Player’.
– Protection Guaranteed –
As a German company, we are bound to strict data privacy laws and do not track any IP or connection data. We have nothing to hide! Find out more here: https://zenmate.com/privacy-policy
© 2015 ZenGuard GmbH
Ritterstraße 12-14, 10969 Berlin, Germany.
Managing Directors: Simon Specka, Markus Hänel
District Court: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
Commercial Register #: HRB 151355 B
您有敏感内容要发送吗?你关心隐私吗?不要让窥探的眼睛窥探你的电子邮件对话。ZenMate Secure Email extension为您的Gmail帐户提供了增强的安全性。
>;ZenMate Secure Email extension目前仅在Google Chrome和Gmail上可用。使用其他主要web浏览器和web客户端的收件人可以在我们的安全web查看器中接收和读取他们的安全电子邮件。<;
ZenMate使用128位AES加密来保护您电子邮件的隐私,并使用密码加密来锁定它们-因此您的电子邮件与您创建的密码一样安全。它无缝地集成到您的Gmail界面中,使您能够安全地发送和接收电子邮件。即使没有扩展名的收件人也可以在我们的安全web查看器上解锁和阅读您受保护的电子邮件。只要像往常一样写邮件,但有了ZenMate security的额外保证。
zenmate强烈建议您与zenmate一起使用免费扩展“FlashControl”[市场上提供],为了防止“Flash Player”造成的安全威胁,作为一家德国公司,我们必须遵守严格的数据隐私法,不跟踪任何IP或连接数据。我们没什么好隐瞒的!更多信息,请访问:https://zenmate.com/privacy policy
?2015 ZenGuard GmbH
Ritterstraße 12-14,10969 Berlin,Germany。
常务董事:Simon Specka,Markus Hänel
地区法院:Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg
商业登记处:HRB 151355 B