
Walter Garcia

Palette Creator插件截图

【图】Palette Creator(截图1)【图】Palette Creator(截图2)

Palette Creator插件简介

Creates a color palette from any image. Just right-click on the image and select the “Palette Creator” option. 从任何图像创建调色板。只需右键单击图像并选择“调色板创建者”选项。

Create a color palette from any image. Just right-click on the image and select the “Palette
Creator” option.

Do you want to create a color palette that matches an image from your website? Maybe you just want to grab some colors for inspiration? Then this extension is for you! Palette Creator allows you to make a color pallet from any image or picture for further using in the creation.

Usually you perform several searches until finally, you’d found required color. Palette Creator offers a simple solution for setting your own palette with the variation and hue colors. Plus! no needs navigating to a ton of different sites for content.

-Generate palette from images.
-Download result in .GPL

All you need is just a right click on the desired image to select the ‘Palette Creator’ option. Choose the number of palette colors you want to create.



是否要创建与网站中的图像匹配的调色板?也许你只是想抓住一些颜色的灵感?那么这个分机是给你的!Palette Creator允许您从任何图像或图片制作颜色托盘,以便在创建中进一步使用。

通常你会执行几次搜索直到最后,你找到了所需的颜色。Palette Creator提供了一个简单的解决方案,可以用变化和色调颜色设置自己的调色板。另外!无需导航到大量不同的网站以获取内容。



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