




Experience a new tab with breathtaking wallpapers and a personal dashboard that focus on your every day.

Start your day with beautiful HD natural scenery images that give you calmness and inspirations to be more productive. Customize dashboard to your liking with personal images, favorite apps and bookmarks. Discover new inspirational places and share with your network, and stay on top of things by tracking your to-do list. Browse the internet with your favorite search engine with instant access to your most visited sites. Receive live weather update while listening to chill out music.

If you love to discover interesting places and different animals from all around the world, MyStart New Tab is perfect for you. Travel the world and learn about new places and landmarks with every new tab. Enjoy breathtaking photos of nature such as waterfalls, deserts, temples, castles, caves, beach islands, national parks, forests, animals in the wild as well as must see vacation destinations in some of the most beautiful countries in the world.


• Customize the dashboard to your taste
• Keep track of your goals with to-do list
• Stunning images with every new tab
• New inspirational photos added regularly
• Search the web using either Yahoo! or Google
• Feel good with chill out music
• Quick access to most visited web sites
• Show apps and bookmarks on new tab
• Live weather updates of your current location
• Custom background: up to 20 personal images

Check out our MyStart Blog to have the latest news on our site and articles about various topics such as pets, wild animals, natural wonders of the world, famous landmarks and healthy lifestyle tips: https://blog.mystart.com





Getty Images将来自世界各地的无与伦比的图像直接带到您的浏览器。每个新标签都打开了一张来自Getty Images的漂亮,全屏照片,每次都能创造视觉上令人惊叹的体验。..
Getty Images将来自世界各地的无与伦比的图像直接带到您的浏览器。每个新标签都打开了一张来自Getty Images的漂亮,全屏照片,每次都能创造视觉上令人惊叹的体验。 1.3.6中的新: • 新选项和设置面板允许您自定义新选项卡体验 • 显示或隐藏功能,如搜索框,时钟和照片旋转木马 • 自定义时钟样式 Getty Im..
Replace your new tab with a minimalistic and customizable homepage featuring a clock, todo list, weather, bookmarks and much more!
leoh is a personal and customizable chrome new tab dashboard featuring useful tools, stunning photography, and beautiful design. All information is synced across browsers so no mat..
将您的新标签页替换为具有一系列小部件的个人仪表板,以增强您的浏览体验。 开始一个更好的新标签为您提供,做,可定制的提醒和美丽的背景图像或视频由您选择。 功能概述: ✔漂亮的自定..
将您的新标签页替换为具有一系列小部件的个人仪表板,以增强您的浏览体验。 开始一个更好的新标签为您提供,做,可定制的提醒和美丽的背景图像或视频由您选择。 功能概述: ✔漂亮的自定义全屏背景图像或视频 ✔现场定制天气预报/简约天气 ✔待办事项清单 ✔时钟 ✔轻松访问管理书签和最近访问的网站 ✔具有多个搜索提供商的集成搜索栏 ✔提醒通知要在设置菜单中自行设置 ✔可..
Zen-tab BETA。 警告: 如果你的连接很慢,第一个景观将需要一些时间来加载,直到其中一些被缓存。 一个 “新标签” 扩展,用于根据您当地的天气使用简单的小..
Zen-tab BETA。 警告: 如果你的连接很慢,第一个景观将需要一些时间来加载,直到其中一些被缓存。 一个 “新标签” 扩展,用于根据您当地的天气使用简单的小部件和风景来更改默认的一个。简单,漂亮,有用。 特点: -根据您当地天气的旋转景观 -日期和时间 -天气和预报 -访问量最多的网站 -快速访问书签 -可选的降雨效果 -快速记事本 -保..
意大利提供了一个虚拟的假期,让你发现和了解新的广场,梵蒂冈,惊人的海岸景观和历史地标。参观罗马,威尼斯,佛罗伦萨,维罗纳,以及更多的舒适的家。使用可用的图像和壁纸描述了解每个浏览器新标签的欧洲这些城市的事实。 特点: • 每个新标签的令人惊叹的图像 • 雅虎!和谷歌搜索 • 应用程序和书签在你的指尖 • 快速访问大多数..
Enjoy outfit pictures of hot seasona..
Enjoy outfit pictures of hot seasonal trends with every new browser tab and discover new fashion bloggers. Love fashion and looking for inspiration? MyFashion New Tab presents hot ..
A minimal new tab page replacement A..
A minimal new tab page replacement A new tab page that focuses on simplicity and customizability. Features: - Choose your apps Select up to 12 apps to be displayed on the new tab p..
Fruumo is a super powerful new tab p..
Fruumo is a super powerful new tab page for chromeFor users of the old version of fruumo, you will be required to update to this… Fruumo is a super powerful new tab page for chrome..
A remarkably customizable personal homepage featuring 50+ widgets, breathtaking backgrounds and much more.
你的新标签页本该如此:快速,可自定义,美观而又高效! 想用iChrome作为你的新标签页?试试 iChrome New Tab: https://ichro.me/n iChrome 包括 50 个小部件,数以千计的惊人的背景图片和这些强大的功能: ✔ 这些小部件包括: 天气、 体育、 新闻、 股票、 RSS、 书签、 Gmail、 最近关闭的标签,远远不止..
★我们的美国主题包括什么? 这个新的标签页提供了大量的美利坚合众国的高清壁纸。你可以洗牌所有的壁纸或只你的最爱。您还可以选择一个选项来享受漂亮的壁纸幻灯片。你可以自定义背景,如..
★我们的美国主题包括什么? 这个新的标签页提供了大量的美利坚合众国的高清壁纸。你可以洗牌所有的壁纸或只你的最爱。您还可以选择一个选项来享受漂亮的壁纸幻灯片。你可以自定义背景,如果你愿意的话,你可以添加到你自己的20张图片。我们定期添加新图像。 此仪表板还提供了快速访问您的访问量最多的网站,使用您最喜欢的引擎进行网络搜索,chrome应用程序,如Gmail,包..
This split screen extension allows y..
This split screen extension allows you to right click on any link and open the destination URL on the right side of the screen. This split screen extension allows you to right clic..
Bypass paywalls of news sites Extrem..
Bypass paywalls of news sites Extreme paywall bypasser allows you to read articles from websites that implement a paywall. Not everyone is able to afford multiple subscriptions on ..
| Edge
Generate random passwords that are h..
Generate random passwords that are highly secured Offline Password generates random passwords that are highly secure and extremely difficult to crack or guess due to an optional co..
This fixes Empire Ave missions page ..
This fixes Empire Ave missions page reverting it back to the old style! FEATURES Revert back to the old missions page! Presently it only reverts back the Missions page but we hope ..
Tabulation在您的 “其他书签” 文件夹中创建一个名为Tabulation的文件夹,您的选项卡将被保存在那里,在一个文件夹中与您的首选项的名称。您可以稍后再..
Tabulation在您的 “其他书签” 文件夹中创建一个名为Tabulation的文件夹,您的选项卡将被保存在那里,在一个文件夹中与您的首选项的名称。您可以稍后再次打开扩展窗口,并打开另一个窗口或您当前所在的相同窗口的选项卡。别担心,如果你需要卸载扩展你的工作区就会在那里。
Removes all of facebook except chat
Removes all of facebook except chat
Hazzm gives you a new way to save yo..
Hazzm gives you a new way to save your open tabs in to packs and you can make them public or private. You just need to click to hazzm icon and click hazzm!
J2TEAM Security helps protect agains..
J2TEAM Security helps protect against phishing attacks. J2TEAM Security started as a security extension to protect you from fake and fraudulent websites, primarily designed to atta..
| Edge
这是一个简单的扩展显示Dash价格从cryptocompare.com (DASH/USD) 扩展功能: 1.以美元为单位的DASH价格 2.显示图表 3.控制刷新时间 (默认..
这是一个简单的扩展显示Dash价格从cryptocompare.com (DASH/USD) 扩展功能: 1.以美元为单位的DASH价格 2.显示图表 3.控制刷新时间 (默认为1分钟)
Scripts for making life easier when ..
Scripts for making life easier when using User Voice support ticket system UserVoice Helper Script This Chrome extension is designed to add some much needed functionality to the Us..

