Twinword Finder
Twinword Finder将浏览器的Ctrl+F替换为更强大的搜索工具。输入多个单词,Twinword Finder将用不同颜色突出显示网页上的每个单词。甚至更多,您还可以..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- npghlhgagddknpcccbgncondbkdpehof
- 版本:
- 0.2.9971
- 大小:
- 9.56MiB
- 类型:
- 扩展
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2019-08-11
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
Twinword Finder插件截图
Twinword Finder插件简介
Highlight multiple keywords. Highlight synonyms of your keywords. Highlight paragraphs related to your keywords. 突出显示多个关键字。突出显示关键字的同义词。突出显示与关键字相关的段落。
Twinword Finder replaces your browser’s Ctrl+F with a more powerful search tool. Type in multiple words and Twinword Finder will highlight each word on a web page with different colors. Even more, you can also highlight synonyms and words related to your keywords.
Looking for keywords and synonyms will allow you to find the relevant paragraphs much quicker than skimming long web pages yourself.
You can also control the search distance to get more closely related words or more loosely related ones.
When searching for words related to your keywords, get more specific by entering more keywords to find only words connected to all of them. The more you enter, the more specific your results are.
Twinword Finder also learns. When unchecking or checking which synonyms to include in your related keyword search, Twinword Finder remembers your selections and also learns from what you think are relevant words and what aren’t. From time to time, it will connect to Google to find out about the latest trends in order to keep up to date about what’s relevant, related, and what’s not. By installing this extension, you consent to allowing this software to use your network to stay up to date.
Twinword Finder将浏览器的Ctrl+F替换为更强大的搜索工具。输入多个单词,Twinword Finder将用不同颜色突出显示网页上的每个单词。甚至更多,您还可以突出显示与关键字相关的同义词和单词。
Twinword Finder也会学习。当取消选中或检查要包含在相关关键字搜索中的同义词时,Twinword Finder会记住您的选择,并从您认为相关的词和不相关的词中学习内容。它会不时连接到Google以了解最新的趋势,以便及时了解相关的、相关的内容,什么不是。通过安装此扩展,您同意允许此软件使用您的网络保持最新