
Geeky Software

Redirect AMP to HTML插件截图

【图】Redirect AMP to HTML(截图1)

Redirect AMP to HTML插件简介

Automatically redirects AMP pages to their canonical HTML equivalent. 自动将AMP页重定向到它们的标准HTML等效页。

Automatically redirects any Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP) pages to their regular HTML equivalent.

When you see an AMP page, you’re likely seeing a page served directly by Bing or Google who can suck in information about what you do on that page. Keep the web decentralized and say “No!” to search engines that want to take control over the web.

AMP pages are designed for small-screen devices and often don’t translate well to larger screens. The extension can be especially useful if you receive links from people who’re on their mobile devices while you’re on your desktop computer.





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Redirect AMP to HTML插件下载




Get uBlock Origin instead. ABP is shady.


运行良好,您甚至不记得它已安装。除了反竞争和从用户那里获取浏览选择的问题外,AMP页面并不能正确地呈现所有内容。我在一个主要的新闻网站上读到一篇文章,注意到一些嵌入的twitter帖子丢失了,我立即检查了一下,发现这确实是一个AMP链接。现在,这可能是由于AMP链接与AdBlus Plus混合不好造成的,但我确信我并没有卸载它。下载这个扩展让我看到所有丢失的内容。


Works as described. Very pleased with it, no more manual removing amp related strings from URLS!


Works beautifully with kiwi browser


AMP页面对于屏蔽广告来说是个麻烦。由于这个出色的扩展,Firefox在我的移动设备上获得了默认浏览器。谢天谢地,Firefox已经存在并且允许扩展。我很诚实:我个人电脑上的默认浏览器是Google Chrome。再次感谢您的杰作!


Seems to do what it says. Good job 👍