

Throttle Block插件截图

【图】Throttle Block(截图1)【图】Throttle Block(截图2)

Throttle Block插件简介

Test Drive the worst case scenario.

Throttle Block is a parody, delivered via a Chrome extension, to illustrate what could unfold following the FCC’s vote to end Net Neutrality.

Here’s how it works: You attempt to access your favorite content, so you enter the URL; but then you’re blocked! Your browser will display a message saying “This site has been blocked by your Internet Service Provider (ISP)”. Fear no longer, you’re not *actually* blocked – it’s simply a simulation. We’ve built in a “Proceed to Content” button that will allow you to bypass the blocker, if/when you ever encounter it. You will then continue to be able to consume your favorite content.

What sites will be blocked? That’s all a part of the fun! Here’s a hint – we’ve pulled a list of the most popular websites worldwide according to the top 100 lists published by Alexa Internet, as of April 3, 2017, and SimilarWeb, as of May 2017. Alexa ranks websites based on a combined measure of page views and unique site users, and creates a list of most popular websites based on this ranking time-averaged over three-month periods. Only the site’s highest-level domain is recorded, aggregating any subdomains. SimilarWeb ranks websites based on a panel of millions of Internet users, International/U.S. internet service providers, direct measurement of web traffic from data from thousands of websites and web crawlers scanning public websites.

With that being said, you’re sure to encounter the Throttle Block!

Have fun with Throttle Block and don’t forget to click on, “Click here to do something about it” when you get the Throttle Block!

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