




Insight into your engagement with Web Monetization

Akita presents your top visited monetized sites, how much time you’re spending on them, and how much you’re contributing (or could contribute) to them. For information on Web Monetization visit https://webmonetization.org/

We submitted this extension as part of the Grant for the Web x DEV.to hackathon. If you’re interested, check out our submission post! https://dev.to/esse-dev/akita-get-involved-in-web-monetization-with-or-without-the-price-tag-cd8

We’re Open Source! Feel free to check out our repo and even get involved in building Akita: https://github.com/esse-dev/akita

Check out Akita’s Privacy Policy here: https://github.com/esse-dev/akita/blob/master/docs/PrivacyPolicy.md

And lastly, check out the project site if you’re interested: https://akitaproject.site/

If you’re looking to start supporting websites by streaming payment, Akita will give you a good idea of which sites you can directly support through Web Monetization. If you’re already using a Web Monetization payment provider, Akita gives you insight into your contributions to the website by showing you the time spent on the site and the amount of payment streamed as a result.

As Web Monetization becomes more common on websites, you’ll be able to see the evolution through Akita. We hope to see your favourite sites join the Web Monetization community! All of the data collected about your browsing and streamed payments is stored in local browser storage, so all of this information stays in your hands.

Overall, our goal with Akita is to increase Web Monetization exposure and awareness, and to help people understand how Web Monetization fits in with their regular browsing. We want to give people who aren’t using a Web Monetization provider a way to engage in payment streaming. As more Web Monetization providers pop up, users can choose providers that fit their needs based on the browsing data presented by Akita.


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