

Search Companion插件截图

【图】Search Companion(截图1)【图】Search Companion(截图2)

Search Companion插件简介

A companion extension for web browsers to assist with Authority Searches.

What Does this do?
Search Companion brings convenience and automation to various tasks.


  • Auto-filling property information when ordering reports.
  • Automatic formatting of Planning Applications and Building Regulations.
  • Automatic creation of KanBan cards for Products and Searches.


  • Displays your current order’s information on all tabs for easy access.
  • Keeps a history of all the orders you have visited.
  • Opens directly to a property on Google Maps.
  • Sends Online Mapping directly to Duct and Order Info for the creation of Official Search Forms (LLC1, Con29R & Con29O).


  • Window Visibility – Toggle the embedded window that displays in the top-right of every web page.
  • Dark Mode – Toggle between the light and dark theme.
  • Change Image – Allows the changing of the embedded element’s background image.
  • Notifications – Prevent the extension from notifying you when it does something.
  • Disable Extension – Disable the extension in its entirety.
  • Clear Current Order – Wipe all the data the extension has collected about an order.
  • Reset – Reset the extension back to its defaults.

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