
Petroz Wellnai

Dark Scrollbar插件截图

【图】Dark Scrollbar(截图1)【图】Dark Scrollbar(截图2)

Dark Scrollbar插件简介

Forces UI elements such as scrollbars and form fields to match either your operating system’s theme, or your own theme by choice, light or dark.

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Dark Scrollbar插件下载






This has been confirmed to now work on Chrome, among other Chromium-based browsers.


Nice work; swift & low resource requirements so forget any hesitations due to an entire extension for a minimal style sheet modification. No doubt your here to sort that shite white line of gack away from view into the last missing feature of your night time style that lies upon specific needs that sure show you aint as lazy as that last project manager who by the while has those bright white office lights much like the companies website that target bores your retinas like an AIM-9X Sidewinder in splash x freeze frame mode. Dig it.


Note that this only works on Microsoft Edge currently, as it is using an experimental CSS specification from: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color-adjust/#color-scheme-prop. In the future, this may work on other browsers.