

Nicer Inverter插件截图

【图】Nicer Inverter(截图1)【图】Nicer Inverter(截图2)

Nicer Inverter插件简介

Darkens bright pages for easier night time reading. Unofficial improvement of Inverter.

You can set Nicer Inverter to a hot key by going to
Tools -> Extensions -> Keyboard Shortcuts (at the bottom).

When activated, this extension forces dark backgrounds and lighter text for less stressful night time viewing.

1.8: Fixed pages with light text shadows having poor readability.

1.7: And it’s fixed! Phew!

1.6.2: Updated JSON so it continues working with new versions of chrome. Edit: And it’s broken. I’m not sure how to fix it. I would appreciate any help I can get.

1.6.1: Background slightly darker as to not distract when viewing videos.

1.6: Changed from toggle to single press so you don’t have to double-tap if you’re only using it on some pages.

1.5: Changed selection color

1.4: Slightly changed text color to improve night-time reading.

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