Instantly get lyrics for songs on Yo..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- dkbbaocemdcnifbnpdbfklbnfoahmokg
- 版本:
- 0.5.6
- 大小:
- 274KiB
- 类型:
- Chrome
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2020-02-16
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- ksirbj
Instantly get lyrics for songs on Youtube, Google Play Music, and Spotify Web Player
Lyrical (beta)
This extension adds a lyrics panel to songs on YouTube, Google Play Music, and Spotify Web Player
Current features:
– Instantly get lyrics for any song that you play on YouTube, Google Play Music, and Spotify Web Player
– The lyrics panel can be integrated into the page, or popped-out
– When popped out, the panel can be resized and moved anywhere on the page
– Select on which of the supported websites the extension should run
– Use Ctrl + Shift + S to toggle the lyrics panel
– Easily translate the lyrics to 80+ languages
– Use right and left arrow keys to move to and highlight the next or previous line
– Toggle between a light and dark mode
– Enable automatically scrolling lyrics
Change log:
v0.5.5: Fixes youtube redirect bug
v0.5.3: Fix on Spotify + UI refresh
v0.5.2: Bug fixes, quadruple click to select all text
v0.5.1: Bug fixes
v0.5.0: Autoscroll + bug fixes
v0.3.8 – 0.4.0: Bug fixes
v0.3.7: Bug fixes + remember panel state, size, and position
v0.3.6: New dark mode on all sites and option to run lyrical on all youtube videos
v0.3.5: Fixed panel resize bugs
v0.3.4: New dark mode on the new youtube
v0.3.3: Fixed search form issue
v0.3.0: Improvements for stability and speed + arrow key scrolling
v0.2.9: Bug fixes
v0.2.8: Bug fixes + added support for YouTube redesign
v0.2.7: Added support for Spotify Web Player
v0.2.6: Bug fixes
v0.2.5: Manually search for lyrics when the extension fails to identify it
v0.2.4: Updated How-To guide + minor improvements
v0.2.3: You can now translate the lyrics to over 80 languages
v0.2.2: Improved song matching on YouTube
v0.2.1: Improved lyrics matching
v0.2.0: Remembers panel state (visible/hidden) between songs on YouTube
v0.1.9: Updated options UI
v0.1.8: Bug fixes and added close button