Style Me
StyleMe是一个chrome扩展,用于将任何托管的css文件添加到网页中。特性: -将多个样式表注入到网页中。 -禁用任何现有的原样式表。启用/禁用样式表注入。 -指定频率..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- ihhjaipabfigpfdpggebhbginjbolkbh
- 版本:
- 2.0.4
- 大小:
- 650KiB
- 类型:
- Chrome
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2016-06-02
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Vasili Molakhau
Style Me插件截图
Style Me插件简介
Simple extension to inject custom styles on page. 在页面上插入自定义样式的简单扩展。
Style Me is a chrome extension for adding any hosted css files into webpage.
– Inject multiple stylesheets into webpage.
– Disable any existing original stylesheet.
– Enable/disable stylesheets injection.
– Auto update of injected stylesheets with specified frequency.
– Manual update of injected stylesheets by pressing key combination (Shift + R)
Use cases:
– SPA development. Inject any number of stylesheets you are working with by specifying their source paths (i.e. http://localhost://myApp/styles/compiled.css) and enabling “Auto update” option with specified frequency.
– Correct styles that you don’t like on any webpage by overriding them or providing new rules in your own stylesheet. Just share such file for example over dropbox and specify src to the raw file (just add &raw=1 to the shared link, e.g. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xxxxxx/my-css-file.css?dl=0&raw=1)
*Note: it takes some time depending on your internet connection to load and apply your styles into webpage. For development just use any local server so your files will load immediately.
Usage note:
Once you have installed extension – just reload your pages you want to modify to make app button become activated.
-指定频率的注入样式表的自动更新。BR>按键组合手动更新的样式表(Shift +R)
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