NOTICE: For more new features, pleas..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- ehnambpmkdhopilaccgfmojilolcglhn
- 版本:
- 2.6.5
- 大小:
- 759KiB
- 类型:
- Chrome
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2018-06-27
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Shane Weng
NOTICE: For more new features, please use MarkView ( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/markview/iaddkimmopgchbbnmfmdcophmlnghkim ) instead. In the meantime, Markdown Viewer need to be disable/delete because both can’t work properly together.
markdownViewer is a Chrome extention for reading markdown file with
an outline view, support Github table styles.
1. Show outline beside the content in scrollable way
2. Auto reload local file when file is changed (Post-installation: select “Allow access to file URLs” option in chrome://extensions/)
3. Have buttons for GoTop, ViewSource and GoBottom
4. Highlight the code area with red color.
5. Support Github table styles with inline HTML.
6. Viewing markdown file in HTML format
Change Log
1.0.12 1.0.11 1.0.10 1.0.9 Update document.
1.0.8 Support Github table styles, update the screenshot.
1.0.7 Move buttons to right bottom corner, update the screenshot
1.0.6 Move buttons to right to keep outline and buttons in one place; update outline css to have
better fit size
1.0.5 Some UI changes: change width percentage; move top, source, bottom to left
1.0.4 Used marked.js instead of showdown.js to render MD
1.0.3 Removed container border when print
1.0.2 Add Wiki and Screen Shot
1.0.1 Initial
Inside markdown file, table format code example
### A test for table
### Done for table
Source Code
markdownViewer is released under the MIT license:
The MIT License