AncestryDNA Helper
扩展有助于分析和比较您的祖先DNA测试结果。使用添加到DNA主页的“完全扫描”和“继续扫描”按钮,可以访问自动扫描仪,它将浏览DNA匹配列表,并打开每个匹配项扫描其系谱图。 扫..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- hjflmfphflaeehhpdiggobllgffelfee
- 版本:
- 0.7.16
- 大小:
- 145KiB
- 类型:
- Chrome
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2017-11-14
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Jeff Snavely
AncestryDNA Helper插件截图
AncestryDNA Helper插件简介
This extension downloads list of matching users and ancestor information. 此扩展下载匹配用户和祖先信息的列表。
The extension helps with analyzing and comparing your AncestryDNA test results. The automated scanner, accessible using the Full Scan and Resume Scan buttons added to your DNA Home Page, will go through your list of DNA matches and open each one to scan their pedigree charts.
Once the scanning process is complete, you can download your list of matches and pedigree charts as .csv files for analyzing them in a spreadsheet or database program. You can also use the additional search features added to the top of your matches list to search for matches by usernames or exact/similar surnames. The ancestors of matches report also includes an incidence value for each row that calculates how frequently people with the same name and a similar birth year appear among your matches. This value can be useful for detecting possible common lines of descent.
If you have multiple DNA tests under your account, a new shared match icon will appear next to each match allowing your to easily see which other test(s) also match this same result by hovering your mouse over this icon. You can also compare two or three of your tests to each other using the compare features at the bottom of your DNA Home Page.
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