复制为纯文本 – amaz.in/g
快速,方便,选定的文本不进行格式化,从而为纯文本,复制到剪贴板。 你有问题,建议,改进,批评或任何其他反馈? 然后给我们发送电子邮件至:chrome-apps@amaz.in ..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- mkkcgjeddgdnikkeoinjgbocghokolck
- 版本:
- 1.0
- 大小:
- 185KiB
- 类型:
- 扩展
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2014-02-16
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Houbit UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG
印记(应用程序 – 开发者):
Copy as Plain Text Extension to copy..
Copy as Plain Text Extension to copy selected text as plain text. Also option to Append as plain text. Keeps carriage returns and line feeds. INSTRUCTIONS Select text in a page and..
| 生产工具
Automatically removes formatting fro..
Automatically removes formatting from your clipboard when using copy. Toggle formatting by right clicking a selection. Automatically removes formatting from your clipboard when you..
| 生产工具
Allows opening and viewing of pages ..
Allows opening and viewing of pages in text-only mode, with no images and/or other multimedia (NOTE: After installing and/or updating this extension, you may need to restart Chrome..
| 无障碍
Allows to copy plain text to clipboa..
Allows to copy plain text to clipboard with context menu. Has 3 different copy methods. Has 'force plain text copy' option.
| 生产工具
Use the right-click menu to search for selected text in different search engines
This extension can be used to search for selected text using the context menu. Different search engines can be added according to the user's wish to the right-click menu. The searc..
| 实用程序
Adds additional features to Salesfor..
Adds additional features to Salesforce. Adds additional features to Salesforce at EGI. Features: • Download quick information about a contact • Download lists from Account pages as..
| 扩展
Melhorias de usabilidade no SIGAA da..
Melhorias de usabilidade no SIGAA da UFRRJ Melhorias de usabilidade no SIGAA (Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas) para os alunos da UFRRJ. Com essa extensão, veri..
| 扩展
Quick access to create documents and save in Drive.
Quick access to create documents and save in Drive.
| 扩展
Instantly preview full size shot wit..
Instantly preview full size shot without opening, just hover in the left-top corner of a dribbble shot. Supports all images, gifs and videos.
| 扩展
ScreenShot & Screen Capture Elit..
ScreenShot & Screen Capture Elite Is The Best Screen Shot ExtensionFull Page Screen Capture, Webpage Screenshot And More! Please meet "ScreenShot & Screen Capture Elite", t..
| 扩展
Manage and switch between multiple p..
Manage and switch between multiple proxy types (SOCKS, PAC, and Direct) with profile support "Proxy Switcher and Manager" extension brings the power of proxy management to your bro..
| Edge
Gmail Adblocker是Google Chrome瀏覽器的擴展程序,可自動從新的Gmail界面中刪除廣告面板和讚助商鏈接,同時最大化閱讀窗格。 此擴展程序與大多數常見的..
Gmail Adblocker是Google Chrome瀏覽器的擴展程序,可自動從新的Gmail界面中刪除廣告面板和讚助商鏈接,同時最大化閱讀窗格。 此擴展程序與大多數常見的廣告阻止程序不同,它是針對Gmail專門構建的,與許多其他廣告阻止程序不同,它沒有在以前的廣告中留出空間 通過仔細調整剩餘元素的樣式來填充空間。該擴展程序可創建一個乾淨,無干擾的環境,..
| 扩展
Integration Powered by ReachUC Loup ..
Integration Powered by ReachUC Loup for ReachUC allows users to login using their current phone system credentials for click to dial and screen pops inside any CRM.
| 扩展
需要免费且简单的拼写检查器解决方案? 此扩展程序支持20多种语言的拼写检查。 检查单词的拼写,它会为拼写错误的单词提供建议。 ginger grammar checker on..
需要免费且简单的拼写检查器解决方案? 此扩展程序支持20多种语言的拼写检查。 检查单词的拼写,它会为拼写错误的单词提供建议。 ginger grammar checker online 该软件有助于查找拼写检查器无法找到的拼写错误。 例如,滥用单词“ there”和“ them”,“ a”和“ an”或重复的单词。 支持超过25种语言-例如,全部支持英语,西..
| 扩展