Get back control over your Strava fe..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- ilogdlddgndehmpabkafohhfapaopgkd
- 版本:
- 大小:
- 43.58KiB
- 类型:
- Chrome
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2019-06-26
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- stravini.extension
Get back control over your Strava feed. STRAVINI offers a light and clean Strava experience.
– Clean interface: multiple activities fit one screen
– Light and Fast
– Chronological sorting or by Strava algorithm
– Filter out promotional messages, posts, challenges, club notifications, Zwift rides, short rides from the feed
– The activity description, if present, is visible directly in the feed
– Sharper font
The new version of Strava UI tends to be slow on my machine. This extension is made so that everyone can enjoy Strava, even without a powerful device.

Elevate your strava experience and goals! Track your fitness and progressions over time. Analyse deeper your activities. And more...
| 娱乐

Additional functionality for your cycling and running analysis. This extension upgrades the Strava™ website.
| 娱乐

每次打开新标签时都会获得海洋不同的高清壁纸。这个新主题除此以外还包括天气,时间,记事本,时钟等其他你想要的强大功能。 以下是您將獲得的其他功能列表: - 待辦事項清..
| Chrome

每次打开新标签时都会获得《模拟人生4》不同的高清壁纸。这个新主题除此以外还包括天气,时间,记事本,时钟等其他你想要的强大功能。 《模拟人生4》是由Maxis Software开..
| Chrome