

Brancher – Visual History Manager插件截图

【图】Brancher – Visual History Manager(截图1)【图】Brancher – Visual History Manager(截图2)【图】Brancher – Visual History Manager(截图3)

Brancher – Visual History Manager插件简介

Brancher lets you explore, manage and share your history in a totally new visual way.

Visualize your web-surfing experience as a tree.


How it works
Brancher extension records your web browsing history and visually represents it as a tree of web pages. When you click a link from page A to page B brancher creates a tree. If you then click a link from page A to page C the app will add another branch to that tree. To open the app click extension popup icon and click “BRANCHER”. You will see a list of your trees, click a tree to open it. We provide a rich set of tools for editing (copy, paste, remove, drag&drop) and sharing a tree.

Brancher is a platform founded on a principal of free exchange of structured information. Each tree is a basic building block of knowledge, a map that helps you navigate through a sea of data. Add trees to your public profile to share latest trends with your followers. Receive the best recommendations from all over the internet.

Personal Browsing Data
We have put a range of systems in place to prevent any of your personal data from ever being recorded by the extension. It only records publicly available web pages and stops recording if a web page requires user authentication (logging in) or is otherwise hidden from public access. For example, browsing of an on-online store will create a tree of products but it won’t contain a page for website shopping cart nor any other personal details.

Ignoring domains
If you do not want extension to record history from specific domains you will have to add them to Ignore List. Open the app, click 3-dots in the upper-right corner and select “Ignore List”. Add entries to the list with full hostname and domain, like this www.example.com. Out of the box extension will ignore major banking websites, google cloud platform services and adult content.

Browsing Data Storage
– Webpages
The app stores webpage metadata (url, title, image) with no personal user information attached. Only publicly available and not ignored web pages are recorded and stored on our servers.
– Trees and personal browser history
a. If you do NOT login. All of your personal browsing history will be stored locally on that particular computer and cannot be accessed from anywhere except from it. If you delete the extension all of your browsing data will be also deleted.
b. If you login with your google account your browsing data will be synchronized to our servers and will be available to you after login on any other browser extension instance or through our web-app on brancher.io for desktop and mobile devices.

Browsing Data Protection
Our servers are fully secure and use all the necessary account verification techniques and methods. Your personal browsing history and trees can only be accessed with your personal google account (if not specified otherwise by the user).

Sharing options
If you want to share your trees you will have to login with your google account. By default your trees are only available to you. There are several sharing/publishing options you can mix and choose from.
– Anonymous sharing. This option will make some of your trees available to other users but without any of your personally identifiable information attached. No-one will be able tell to whom an anonymous tree may belong, only tree links themselves will be visible to other users. Whether a tree gets anonymously shared or not is decided based on the number of Facebook Likes that nodes of a tree have. That way only trees with popular content get out there.
– Publish domain. All trees that contain a link with specific domains will become part of your public profile. To add domain to the Publish List open the app, click 3-dots in the upper-right corner and select “Publish List”. Add entries to the list with full hostname and domain, like this www.example.com. Shortcut: navigate in browser to the domain you want to publish, open extension popup and click “Publish Domain” button.
– Publish a tree. Open a tree, hover over tree title and click Publish button.
– Share a link to a tree. Open a tree and click Share button.
The distinction between publishing and sharing is that any tree can be shared but only published tree will contain personally identifiable information of the user who created it. Only the user can (un)publish his/her tree.

Please contact us regarding any questions or requests you may have via office@artadian.com or https://www.facebook.com/brancher.io.

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