Toolbar shortcut to the Apps page Th..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- ccaamabfdfcoealabklkkjohkhgomhmo
- 版本:
- 大小:
- 30.13KiB
- 类型:
- Chrome
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2019-10-25
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- https://singleclickapps.com
Toolbar shortcut to the Apps page
This is simply a shortcut to the Apps page.
When installed, it will add “Apps” button to the toolbar.
Click the icon and you’ll open the “Apps” page.
That’s all this button does.
There are, however, two options available: you can set the button to open the apps list in new tab or in the current tab and, if you want, you can add the apps shortcut to the context menu.
**Questions & Answers**
Why adding separate extension to access apps page when it’s accessible with two clicks?
— Because with the apps button in the toolbar you’ll do it in one click, which is 50% faster 🙂
But extensions eat system memory, why wasting resources just for quick shortcut to the apps page?
— This button to the apps doesn’t “eat” memory. In technical language, it uses non-persistent background page, which means chrome doesn’t need to reserve memory for the apps extension (check the Chrome Task Manager if you don’t trust us — when you click on the apps icon it will start the extension, open the apps page and release the memory soon after that)
Why not just use the Apps button on the bookmarks bar?
— You could, but if you are like me the bookmarks bar isn’t a good choice (it takes from the vertical space of the browser) and one small “apps” icon in the toolbar is more convinient.
If I install the apps button, is it easy to remove it later?
— Yes, you can remove it with just two clicks (right-click on the apps button and select “Remove from Chrome”)
Where are the apps button options?
— Right-click on the “apps” icon and select “Options”.
How to open the Apps page in the current tab instead of opening new tab?
— Right-click on the apps button and select “Options”, then uncheck the first checkbox
How to add shortcut to the Apps to the context menu?
— Go to the options page (see above) and check the respective checkbox (“Add apps button to context menu”)
How to change the Apps button icon?
— Currently you can’t, but in the next version (coming soon) we’ll add this functionality
Do you have more shortcuts like this Apps Button?
— Definitely, see www.sinigleclickapps.com
**Apps Button — Version Bookmarks**
ver. – Added options (context menu support), minor fixes
ver.1.0 – Initial Release
**More toolbar shortcuts**
(These are like this “Apps” button, but for different Chrome pages)
Settings Button:
Downloads Button:
Shortcut to History:
**More from the apps button author**
• History On/Off – disable bookmarks on the fly:
• SingleClick Cleaner – cleanup Chrome in one single click:
To read ore about the Apps Button: