‘Cards View’ Filter for Trello插件截图
‘Cards View’ Filter for Trello插件简介
Small extension that adds filtering by list in Trello’s ‘Cards’ view.
Adds buttons for filtering cards by list in Trello’s Cards view.
1.0 (2016-09-17): Makes it work again. Adds amount of cards for each list.
类似‘Cards View’ Filter for Trello插件

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注意:这个扩展已经很久不支持了,我不能保证它还能工作, 如果你喜欢这个扩展,并且想应用一些修复或者添加新功能,你可以通过GitHub repo上的pull请求来实现:https..

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用法 1.在收藏夹页面中单击to ll按钮 (右上) 2.将喜欢的别名注册到页面 3.聚焦omnibox (搜索栏) 【提示: 有一个热键 'ctrl l' 或 'cmd l'..

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