

Solar Energy News插件截图

【图】Solar Energy News(截图1)

Solar Energy News插件简介

Keep your finger on the pulse with this great clean and green energy news app!

The Solar Energy News App brings breaking renewable energy news straight to your pocket. Its sophisticated and user friendly design means accessing up to date information on your smartphone or tablet is as easy as pressing a button. In the constantly changing world of renewable energy, it has never been more important to stay up to date on industry changes. As contributors to successful sites like AustralianSolarQuotes.com.au and ElectricCarsGuide.com, our passionate team of experts from around the world will give you the freshest renewable energy news so that you can be the expert.

We are experts in everything renewable. Whether you want to know how solar, wind and hydro energy energy can transform you home into an energy-efficient, cost-cutting investment, how your family is affected by energy trends and prices, to the sustainable practices being used by government and private institutions – Solar Energy News has you covered! We will help you understand trends, developments and changes in the complex and changing world of sustainability in our easy to navigate categories of environment, international, politics, technology and transportation. You can now be in the know, with the power right at your fingertips with just a few taps and swipes.

With the convenience of keeping your favourite news in one place, the Solar Energy News app allows you to access your favorite news articles through a shortcut feature connected to our archives. You can even access the latest articles by turning on the notifications and alerts for breaking renewable energy news! You can share your favourite news articles on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest or email it directly to friends and contacts. There is also a quick link you can go to so you can subscribe to a free green-tech and solar energy newsletter.

Great news for solar customers! If you are one of the many people considering changing to solar, but wants to have a better overview of what to expect with their potential investment, the Solar Energy News app also includes some helpful tools and resources to solar such as a Solar Power Calculator that lets you compute all potential expenses. We do this by determining your location to find out the retail price and feed-in tariffs available in your area. It will also ask for details regarding your energy consumption, preferred system size, roof orientation and pitch to provide you results you will need to make wiser energy decisions such as a graph that shows the big difference of having solar installed in your home, estimated electricity production, estimated system price, annual savings and return-on-investments, savings on electricity bills in years to come.

The Solar Energy News app also includes a Solar Power Buyer’s Guide that gives you access to professional advice from the experts including resources that will help take the transition you need to change into better energy options that will guarantee you greater savings, greater income and greater contribution to improving environmental conditions for the current and future generations.
What are you waiting for? Download the Solar Energy News app today!

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