An extension that assesses the reada..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- igpbgncfceidjgcjddcdamjgbpdcmbnl
- 版本:
- 3.4
- 大小:
- 58.11KiB
- 类型:
- Chrome
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2012-11-30
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Stuart Moran
An extension that assesses the readability of text using SMOG, and cross-compared with popular and classic literature.
The principle behind the plug-in is to allow users to explore the complexity of any text found within a webpage. Users identify the text of interest, activate the plug-in and the text is automatically captured and checked for readability using a SMOG based algorithm. A cross-comparison is then made between the complexity and length of the input text, with values stored for existing popular and classic literature. The idea is to present information about text complexity in a way users can relate to.

这是一个强大的实用程序,它可以在上下文菜单中按病毒总数添加检查链接功能。 使用它,您可以在下载文件之前扫描文件,并在导航域之前检查域。 插件使用病毒总数api,因此用户需要免费..
| Chrome