Adapt Webmail Connector
Seamless integration between Bond Ad..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- naokhpaaibckeedaajchmlebbjkfgjba
- 版本:
- 3.2.46
- 大小:
- 446KiB
- 类型:
- Chrome
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2020-03-26
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- Bond International Software
Adapt Webmail Connector插件截图
Adapt Webmail Connector插件简介
Seamless integration between Bond Adapt and webmail
For users of Bond International Software recruitment software, capturing valuable candidate and client information is crucial to productive sourcing and placement during the recruiting process. Keeping information in your inbox doesn’t help the rest of your team, and details can be deleted or lost if you don’t add them to your CRM system. If you are using the popular email client Gmail, this extension is for you.
When you receive an email in your Gmail inbox, the extension is quickly activated by clicking on the icon at the top of your browser window. If the email address is found on a record within your Adapt system, various options are made available to you. If the email address is found on more than one Adapt record, you can easily cycle through the entities to find the correct one.
• Review details – some general details of the person can be seen on the initial screen. Tabs across the top allow you to review notes, submittals, journal entries and tasks.
• Activate workflows – take action on the candidate record from the workflows menu. Log a phone call, send a text message, add a note, submit for internal interview, shortlist the candidate or create an email follow up task.
• Open entity – with a click of an icon, the Adapt candidate record can be opened in a new window, giving you direct access to all of the segments and full information about the entity.
• Tag the message – the tagback screen provides you with the ability to tag the email back to the Adapt record. Should the email contain multiple entities, simply tick each name to save the email to each record.
• Add attachments – if the email contains attachments they can easily be linked back to the Adapt record. If one of the documents is a CV, this can be imported and run through the standard Adapt CV import tool. The import process can also be activated even if the email address is not associated with an entity in your system.
NOTE: This extension is currently only for users of AdaptUX recruitment software. Server details should be provided by your own system administrator. For any questions or assistance, please contact your Bond representative in the usual way.
New in version 3.2.46
• Use the V2 Web Services if the engine supports them
Fallback to the V1 Web Services if using an older Adapt Engine
• CV Import in the Chrome extension fails to launch Adapt.
This has now been resolved. The issue was caused by a change in the Chrome browser: https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromiumsecurity/extension-content-script-fetches
Previous changes and fixes:
Fixed in version 3.2.42
• When tagging an email, each email attachment will now also be tagged to the
journal entry along with the email body.
• The attachments page is now accessible even when the email
address does not match an Adapt entity. The ‘Add attachment’
feature is disabled, but the ‘CV Import’ button will allow the user to
import a CV.
• The Person ID is now displayed below the name. Clicking the Person
ID will open the entity in Adapt.
• Even with valid connection details AWC may be unable to retrieve
the Language, Locale and Timezone settings if the current session to
Adapt has expired.
A message is now shown alerting the user to log in to Adapt first.
This will ensure the session information is up to date and allow the
AWC to connect to Adapt successfully.
• Email subjects with an ampersand will now tag without error.
Fixed in version 3.2.31
• Sender’s email address not in Adapt the chain becomes un-taggable
• Gmail versus Googlemail tagging issue
Fixed in version 3.2.29
• Compatibility with the new Gmail UI
Fixed in version 3.2.27
• Rebranding
Fixed in version 3.2.26
• Items in the Workflow menu did not work
Fixed in version 3.2.25
• The last 3 fields in the options screen would not update correctly in Chrome 60.x
Fixed in version 3.2.22
• The confirmation and error messages when tagging an email or importing attachments has been improved.
Fixed in version 3.2.20
• The settings dialog now shows the version number in the lower-right corner.
Fixed in version 3.2.19
• Unable to import CVs from emails where the record is not found in Adapt
Fixed in version 3.2.16
• When an Adapt user is blocked, the client will fail with ‘Connection details are invalid’ and not display an appropriate error or warning message.
• The toolbar buttons disappear (including settings) when there are no entities found. Getting into the settings then becomes very difficult.
Fixed in version 3.2.14
• The message ‘server is unavailable’ appears when the configuration is not found.
• Tasks/Submittals do not fit in the extension’s dialog width if long content exists
• The TO and CC recipients are now taken into account by the Office 365 connector.
Fixed in version 3.2.7
• The ‘Your session has expired…’ message appears instead of the CV downloading if the add-in has been opened and some time has passed.
• Line breaks are absent in documents displaying on the Notes tab if it is plain text.
Fixed in version 3.2.1
• Unsanitized HTML is allowed on the Tasks tab.
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