chrome-alex 插件 简介chrome-alex is an extension that lets you check a webpage for any bias or offensive language. It uses the alexjs library to pick up on any words that may offend someone. Click the tile to see a list of words that could be inconsiderate.
类似chrome-alex 插件 Sniply让你将自己的行动电话嵌入到每一条内容上。将自定义消息嵌入CNN、TechCrunch、Mashable、BBC的文章中。Sniply允许您通过对每一条内容的内容进行..
Preview a bootstrap site with a boot..
Call /@@reload or ?diazo on your cur..
Quickly save web pages to the Intern..
Seize the day. Every second counts. ..
Puts a button in Harvest that let's ..
Find synonyms for words. Be a deluxe..
This extension displays the Alexa Ra..
Become a prospecting wizard with Gre..
Merch Wizard is a Merch By Amazon or..
"Smart Anchor" will allow you to kee..
change tab-size in
Replaces the buzz words around machine learning and AI with something more appropriate.
Presenting to you, a seamless new wa..
This extension enables you to integr..
Highlight and add notes to any text ..
1. 一键下载主流招聘网站的简历(51job、智联招聘、猎聘网、Linkedin等)2. 智能解析简历内容,格式化内容清晰明了,查找方便3. 简历保存到云端个人简历库,随存随取..
Created at Hacktech 2014 by Alex Ber..