Scrumy Live Stats
Tabulates the time units found in ta..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- kdihabkkjolfnfjpaeeboaekhicgjged
- 版本:
- 1.0.7
- 大小:
- 79.1KiB
- 类型:
- Chrome
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2012-07-26
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- otanistudio
Scrumy Live Stats插件截图
Scrumy Live Stats插件简介
Tabulates the time units found in tasks for scrumy.com, a project management tool loosely based on “Scrum.”
Scrumy (http://scrumy.com) is a virtual “scrumboard” used by many Agile development teams. This extension tabulates time estimates found within each task and shows percentage complete.
Comments/questions/suggestions: otanistudio@gmail.com
If you wish to contribute/fork, source is here: https://github.com/otanistudio/scrumy_live_stats
(This project is in no way sponsored or endorsed by Scrumy.)
1.0.7: Make this work with Chrome Extensions v2 API
1.0.6: Fix bug when parsing numbers in parenthesis
1.0.5: Fix bug when finding floating point numbers in time estimates
1.0.4: Add a icon to make it more apparent that you can make the “adding tape” go away
1.0.3: Small color and text readability tweaks
1.0.2: If you click on the numbers in the breakdown by story, it will show their sums in a small “purple” window
1.0.1: Add hover highlights for rows
1.0.0: Breakdown by story