![CAGE – Castle Age Game Enhancer [β] CAGE – Castle Age Game Enhancer [β]](https://i3.xiaomac.com/app/47/ff/d9/01180f7a9c1ddf600db866cb26.png?x-oss-process=style%2Fjpg)
CAGE – Castle Age Game Enhancer [β]
凯奇增强了城堡时代的游戏,使一些任务更快更容易执行。 在因为它不适合你而给予低评价之前,为什么不去支持页面/博客等。。。让别人帮你?有时,解决方案确实很容易找到;) 联系,获取..
- 更新日期:
- 包名:
- fdkafbmnniaaialfnijhnlhklghiojbc
- 版本:
- 大小:
- 399KiB
- 类型:
- Chrome
- 平台:
- Chrome
- 评分:
- 发布日期:
- 2013-11-23
- 价格:
- 免费
- 开发者:
- cagenhancer.blogspot.com
CAGE – Castle Age Game Enhancer [β]插件截图
CAGE – Castle Age Game Enhancer [β]插件简介
CAGE makes playing Castle Age on Facebook a bit easier and a lot more fun 😉 凯奇让在Facebook上玩Castle Age变得更轻松和有趣;)
CAGE enhances Castle Age game play and makes some task faster and easier to perform.
Before giving low rating because its not working for you, why not go the support page/blog/etc… and let someone help you? Sometime the solution is really easy to find 😉
Get in contact, get help an report errors
* http://www.facebook.com/cagenhancer
* http://cagenhancer.blogspot.com/search/label/last-update
* https://github.com/unknowner/CAGE/issues
* http://twitter.com/#!/CageUnknowner
* Quick Demi blessing
* Extra send-gift filter
* Fast access to potions
* Guild battle filters (class, activity, status)
* CA Time out “remover”
* Class ability changer
* Fixes timers
* Percentage shown in monster bars
* Fix for Arena and Monster timers
* Show all open monster on the monster page
* General selector with favourites and charge info
* Fill your Elite Guard
* Healing
* Receive all gifts (+ fills the extra filter)
* Extra filter when sending gifts (Return the favour)
* Stash gold (and use Aeris if available)
* Page additions (e.g. BSI on keep page, percentage in guild battle…)
* Several fixes for names with apostrophes
* No more cut off screens
* Facebook bar, stats and navigation fixed on top
* Themes (JQuery UI)
* ….
VER: Finally back to life 😉
*http://cachennhancer.blogspot.com/search/label/last update
*Facebook吧,固定在主题顶部的统计和导航(JQuery UI)
类似CAGE – Castle Age Game Enhancer [β]插件