




Screencast and Network Debugging Tool

BugReplay is a bug reporting tool where you can record your screen synced with network traffic and javascript errors- capturing bugs in real time.

The browser extension records the screen, network traffic and javascript console messages so all the user has to do is retrace their steps. Everyone saves time because all the relevant information is recorded. A developer can get all the information they need to fix the problem without communicating back and forth with account managers, support staff or the end user. They can see exactly where the bug occurred and when.

Click on the extension to begin recording and click again to stop. You can review your recorded bug before sharing it with other members of your team or you have the option to make it publicly available and share it with anyone.

Try BugReplay for free now- sign up at https://www.bugreplay.com


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Great extension. Provides so much information, and now has voice record, so reporters can walk through the issue while recording it. Love it!


Sorry we just saw this! You are correct, the BugReplay extension works in tandem with https://app.bugreplay.com. You need an account to try it out. You can register for a free trial at https://app.bugreplay.com. Apologies if that was not clear.


I can't seem to even attempt testing this plugin, without Logging in to something... "You are logged out of BugReplay. Login"


Absolutely downright amazing plugin. Can't believe what a great product this is.


Awesome tool and simple to use!


I've been looking for something like this for a while. Great job


As a tester involved in headless automation this is going to make development of scenarios and recording of bugs so much easier for our BAs and other non technical staff. ITs brilliant puts and end to tedious copy and paste and annotation in order to design a scenario :)


Thanks Jason for the review and feedback! We released a new version of the extension last week which addresses Chrome crashing on Windows under certain conditions. > You must save all of your recordings on their site. I imagine this is due to the "magic" involved in merging all that info together We will eventually have buttons to download the video and data separately. If we can figure out a good way to package it up together for download we'll do that. Additionally we are looking into providing a self hosted version. > ALL of your recordings live in one giant list that will just keep growing with no way to organize Search is built and coming out very soon, we'll add filters/sorts soon as well. > This means that anyone who looks at a shared link will never see the description, which may be needed It's not obvious, but if you click the title of the report in the report view (where the shared link goes directly to) you can read the title and description. The description also supports Markdown syntax. > It only works with Chrome (I am hoping this is temporary) We're aiming for late March for Firefox, and would love to get something built for Edge. > There is no way to file defects (against bug replay) while logged into the site The speech bubble icon on the bottom right of the screen is our preferred support channel, though you can also file issues at https://bugreplay.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new or by emailing support@bugreplay.com.


As far as a beta app, this plugin shows a lot of promise. I have used it several times it can certainly be added to your tool set. Pros: Captures video, network and javascript console information. This is a very big plus. Has playback "bookmarks" for every call so you can jump to a specific point in the video. Makes grabbing relevant API calls and all background traffic information at your finger tips (how many times have you forgotten to select the "preserve log" button?) Helpful for regular testing and for automation to see all the relevant calls and information Cons: Not always stable and by that I have recently had an issue with using the login from the plugin button that closes ALL open chrome browsers You must save all of your recordings on their site. I imagine this is due to the "magic" involved in merging all that info together ALL of your recordings live in one giant list that will just keep growing with no way to organize Upon selecting stop on a recording You are given the option to tile your recording and fill in a description. The description is only visible when you edit a recording. This means that anyone who looks at a shared link will never see the description, which may be needed It only works with Chrome (I am hoping this is temporary) There is no way to file defects (against bug replay) while logged into the site This is already a pretty long review so I will stop there for now.


Thanks Nitish! The user agent of the report is available under 'Report Details' on the report view page. That will tell you the browser and OS, though we will add explicit parsing of it as well. We'll be sure to add the resolution in too.


Awesome app, make bug reporting really simple. Would be nice if it can record the browser, OS and resolutions as well.


Really useful app. I wouldn't say it as just a Bug recording app but does wonders with UI testing also.


Логи JavaScript и Network, синхронизированные с записью - супер.


Great piece of kit for a team of developers. It records everything you need to track down those pesky bugs


Extremely easy to use, it captures the screen AND the requests. Really nice tool.