




RestEasy is a tool that is targeted against developers who perform RESTful API calls against third party services. It allows developers a way of being able to debug and analyze an Http request/response. RestEasy is built using Google Chrome’s Extension API framework and includes common technologies such as Html and JavaScript.

New version v1.2.0 has been released. Please visit http://resteasy.venuedistrict.com to view the changelist!

– Ability to define a call which includes a Url, method, headers and data body to be sent.

– Saved Captures – Allows a user to define a call and save it locally on their workstation as a “Saved Capture” which can be recalled at a later time.

– Presets – Presets are packages of pre-defined query parameters and headers specific to a service.

– Query Parameter Auto-Parser – RestEasy has the ability to parse query parameters off of a Url making them easier to manage.

– General Utilities – General utilities are provided for performing common tasks.
Responses that come back from formulated requests can be reviewed in a response pane. This will include the status code that was returned, the response headers from the service. There is also an option to aggregate both request and response as a “summary” which is extremely helpful when debugging.

Since RestEasy is based on the Google Chrome Extensions framework, it is limited to only allowing Http transactions utilizing XMLHttpRequest object. Certain Http request headers are not settable using the XMLHttpRequest object.

Saved Captures – Details
Often times it is beneficial to reuse requests that were created for a specific purpose. With RestEasy, you are able to create your request (also called a capture) and save them to be recalled at a later time. Persistence of these captures are done using HTML5’s new Web SQL Database component.


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