

Donate Your Data插件截图

【图】Donate Your Data(截图1)【图】Donate Your Data(截图2)

Donate Your Data插件简介

Start browsing for good with Donate Your Data by WAOO

Now you can watch cute animals doing weird stuff and do good at the same time.

This extension captures the data you generate when surfing, and sells it to a trusted partner who manages data. All the earnings are then donated to a charity chosen by the user.

Before everybody freaks out, let’s just highlight the fact that big data companies already monitories, and store all your browsing behaviour, and make big bucks on it. This extension simply intervene this process, and gives control back to the you as you get to decide who benefits from it.

What’s more important to highlight is the fact that Donate Your Data doesn’t gather any personal information like your bank account, or private messages or increase advertising exposure. There really is no catch. You can indeed watch your cute animal videos and do good at the same time.

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