
Rubén Martínez

Tabs limiter with queue插件截图

【图】Tabs limiter with queue(截图1)【图】Tabs limiter with queue(截图2)

Tabs limiter with queue插件简介

Tabs limiter with queue allows you to limit the number of tabs opened in a Chrome window. New tabs exceeding the limit will be put in a queue, when a tab is closed and there’s enough space in the active window, the next URL from the queue loads automatically in a new background tab.

The main purpose of this extension is to keep the browser free from a ton of background tabs that are consuming memory and CPU cycles (and battery life on laptops). It’s perfect for opening links like a maniac on Reddit, Google searches or photos/wallpaper sites.

By default tabs with URL matching Chrome internal pages won’t be counted in the limit. For example chrome://extension or chrome://settings can be opened any time. This also means that you can open a new tab manually and then load any page from there, that tab won’t be queued.

IMPORTANT: This extension is not meant to be used as some kind of “read later” or session manager. It’s a simple tab limiter with some extra functionality.



### [2.0.4] 2017-12-05
– Added context menu entries for sending links and tabs directly to the queue.
– Added whitelist exceptions for “The Great Suspender” suspended tabs.
– Fixes some problems with internal tab count.

[2.0.0] 2016-01-26
– Multi-window queues. When a window in closed, the queue (if not empty) is saved.
– List of saved queues and preview it’s content.
– Delete/restore saved queues and items.
– Drag and drop active queue items to rearrange.
– Lock items in active queue.
– Click on title to “Queue to fit limit”. Two modes: queue tabs on the right or by recent.
– Context menu option to open links new tab (override queue limit).
– On/off button to enable/disable extension functionality.
– Slow network mode: adds a new limit for loading tabs.
– Inverse mode: New items will be added to the top of the queue.
– Automatic queue migration from version 1.0.

This extension makes use of the minimum required permissions to provide it’s functionality.

The code is minifized to improve performance, but the original source code is public and visible from the [GitHub](https://github.com/rubenmv/chrome-extension-tabs-queue) repository, including the Gulp tasks used to obtain the final build.

Tabs Queue by Rubén Martínez is licensed as GPLv3.

You can find the source code on https://github.com/rubenmv/chrome-extension-tabs-queue.

This extension makes use of Sortable.js.
https://github.com/RubaXa/Sortable, which is distributed under the MIT License.

Icon from http://www.picol.org/ is licensed under CC BY SA 3.0.



此扩展的主要目的是使浏览器免受大量消耗内存和CPU周期 (以及笔记本电脑电池寿命) 的背景标签的影响。它非常适合在Reddit、谷歌搜索或照片/壁纸网站上打开像疯子一样的链接。

默认情况下,URL与Chrome内页匹配的选项卡将不计入限制。例如chrome:// 扩展或chrome:// 设置可以随时打开。这也意味着您可以手动打开一个新的选项卡,然后从那里加载任何页面,该选项卡将不会排队。

重要提示: 此扩展不打算用作某种 “稍后阅读” 或会话管理器。这是一个简单的选项卡限制器,具有一些额外的功能。



### [2.0.4] 2017-12-05
-添加了 “伟大的悬吊者” 暂停的标签的白名单例外。

[2.0.0] 2016-01-26
-多窗口队列。当窗口处于关闭状态时,将保存队列 (如果不是空)。
-保存的队列列表和预览它 的内容。
-单击标题以 “队列以适应限制”。两种模式: 队列标签在右侧或最近。
-上下文菜单选项打开链接新选项卡 (覆盖队列限制)。
-慢网络模式: 增加了加载选项卡的新限制。
-反向模式: 新项目将添加到队列的顶部。


代码被压缩以提高性能,但原始源代码是公开的,并且可以从 [GitHub](https://github.com/rubenmv/ chrome-extension-tab-queue) 存储库中公开可见,包括用于获取最终构建的Gulp任务。

Tabs Queue by Rub é n Mart í nez被许可为GPLv3。
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ gpl-3.0.txt)

您可以找到https://github.com/rubenmv/ chrome-extension-tabs-queue上的源代码。


图标从http://www.picol.org/在CC BY SA 3.0下许可。
sa http://creativecommons.org/licenses//3.0/

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