

114 AD Blocker插件截图

【图】114 AD Blocker(截图1)

114 AD Blocker插件简介

A small tool helps to block the intruding China Telecom advertisement.

This extension intercepts intrusive ads by ChinaTelecom:
1. skips the terrible ad page by ChinaTelecom when you typed a wrong URL.
2. ChinaTelecom replaces your first hit of any website everyday with its own ad page, this extension skips this ad page to open the website directly.

ChinaTelecom branches may poses different ways of sending the ads, this extension is only tested in Taizhou, Zhejiang, where the author lives now. It may not act properly as designed in other areas, it needs your input to help me improve.

IMPORTANT: you may NOT visit http://www.vnet.cn or its branch sites after install this extension, since I put them all to the blacklist.


这个插件借鉴了Adblock Plus的少量源码,专门针对电信的两种流氓行为进行屏蔽:

1. 在错误域名的情况下,屏蔽电信的广告页面。
2. 需要说明的是:电信在每个区域有不同的服务站点,我本人在台州电信的服务区,弹出的广告也是台州站点的广告,台州电信的广告都来自 tzinfo.net,而不是互联星空的本尊,所以目前测试版我只能说这个插件肯定适用浙江台州的电信广告,但是我参考了电信的流氓老家——互联星空里浙江电信的所有地区值站点,都把他们加入了黑名单。


另外,特别提醒:如果使用了该插件,可能无法正常浏览互联星空的网页。因为Chrome的安全模型特别严格,只要使用了iframe, frameset并且主页面和子页面的站点名不一致,那完全无法获取top, frames等信息。所以安装了这个插件后,在目前的情况下,由于互联星空的站点被其列为黑名单,则导致无法正常浏览这些站点。


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