




a tree view code for gitlab, function is:

· tree view code
· file location
· search by file path
· download
· config memory
· use gtilab api v4


Displays a file tree on GitLab merge..
Displays a file tree on GitLab merge request and commit pages. Displays a collapsible file tree on all Merge Requests and Commit diffs. Should work on gitlab.com and private gitlab..
Adds code intelligence to GitHub, GitLab, and other hosts: hovers, definitions, references. For 20+ languages.
The open-source Sourcegraph extension adds code navigation and code intelligence to GitHub, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab, Bitbucket Server and Phabricator. • Code intelligence on your..
Chrome extension to display Gitlab c..
Chrome extension to display Gitlab code in tree format * this is the first one on chrome web store, always free and continually optimization. * support all the enterprise intranet ..
A Chrome extension for inspecting regularjs components
A Chrome extension for inspecting regularjs components
A Chrome Extension which gives diffe..
A Chrome Extension which gives different filetypes different icons to GitHub, GitLab, gitea and gogs. On GitHub, no matter what kind of file is, their icons are all same. However, ..
Make GitLab board better with filter..
Make GitLab board better with filters, notifications and more GitLab Board Better is Chrome Extension which helps you to be more productive and organized while using GitLab Boards...
Browse code in a comfortable way Rep..
Browse code in a comfortable way Repo Split lets you browse code hosted on Github/Gitlab in a different way. You can open multiple files at once placed in a 2x2 split view. Future ..
基于 Octotree 的[码云](http://gitee.com)文件树插件 一个浏览器插件,在Gitee、GitHub上显示代码树。不用clone到本地就能查看项目结构...
基于 Octotree 的[码云](http://gitee.com)文件树插件 一个浏览器插件,在Gitee、GitHub上显示代码树。不用clone到本地就能查看项目结构. 特性: * 就像在IDE一样简单易用的代码树 * 快速浏览文件,不会刷新页面 * 支持私人存储库 Gitee登录后就可查看, Github 需要填写access_token)
Chrome extension to show a code tree..
Chrome extension to show a code tree on GitLab :) Features - Quick preview code - GitLab UI style - Search File - Support gitlab 9.x version
This extension shows a dashboard for..
This extension shows a dashboard for all projects in GitLab Gitlab Dashboard is a browser extension that helps developers that use Gitlab as version control system to keep track of..
如果您想快速开始为Google Chrome或Chrome OS构建打包的应用程序,只需克隆此应用程序并立即开始编辑。 源可以在https://github.com/figit..
如果您想快速开始为Google Chrome或Chrome OS构建打包的应用程序,只需克隆此应用程序并立即开始编辑。 源可以在https://github.com/figital/ 的第一个基地找到
Simulate color blindness in your web..
Simulate color blindness in your web browser. RGBlind is an open-source real-time color blindness simulation tool for the web. It is developed to: - Help organizations, designers a..
Developer tools plugin to embed Basi..
Developer tools plugin to embed Basis.js app inspector Extension to hosting Basis.js remote devtools in browser's Developer tools. Plugins source code: https://github.com/basisjs/b..
description here Change url paramete..
description here Change url parameter for <form action=""> and <a href=""> In a nutshell: { '(hydra.aviasales.ru)': 'localhost' } var my_regnew RegExp('(hydra.aviasales..
CookieHacker的Chrome扩展,非常容易使用。Cookies来自:JavaScript document.cookie/Wireshark Cookies等。 修复值base64编码问题。2019/10/11
This Extension will check to see if a pubgears tag was loaded on the page
This Extension will check to see if a pubgears tag was loaded on the page
Quickly delete/wipe your browser Coo..
Quickly delete/wipe your browser Cookies for a defined period with one click! "Cookie Cleaner" is the easiest way to clear your browser stored cookies for a specified period. You c..
| Edge
记录一切关于Chrome中的访问记录,会将数据提交到http:// 可以将浏览器的全部访问记录记录到自己的本地服务器上,用..
记录一切关于Chrome中的访问记录,会将数据提交到http:// 可以将浏览器的全部访问记录记录到自己的本地服务器上,用于对自己的数据分析,和单独分析浏览历史进行处理 源码查看 https://github.com/loveyu/ChromeRecord
This extension allows you to see the..
This extension allows you to see the cross window/frame communication happening behind the current tab. You can see in the console logs for the communication message or click the e..
FireMobileSimulatorは、日本の主要3キャリア(DoCoMo/Au/SoftBank)の携帯端末ブラウザをシミュレートして、モバイルサイト開発を容易にするために作成されたFirefoxのアドオンです。携帯端末のHTTPリクエスト、絵文字表示などの動作をシミュレートすることができます。 【主要機能】 *[全キャリア]UID送信 *[DoCoMo..

