
Video Downloader Ultimate

Video Downloader Ultimate插件截图

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Video Downloader Ultimate插件简介

Video Downloader Ultimate is a free extension that powers up Chrome browser with the save and play options for video and audio files. With Video Downloader Ultimate installed, anyone is able to save a high-quality video and music in just a few minutes, with just a few clicks. It’s faster than making popcorn.

Video Downloader Ultimate works instantly, in a background, looking for a video and audio files, without diverting you from a comfortable web surfing. Once suitable content detected, VDU will notify you with a counter on it’s icon, indication the number of films and music, that was detected on a certain webpage. Just click VDU icon to open saver pop up and choose what you want to do now – play music, save music, save movie or watch it.

Video Downloader Ultimate is a freeware, delivered and distributed as is, inside a Chrome Web Store exclusively. VDU team is opened for communication with it’s clients and ready to improve the movie and music saver in accordance with user’s demands and feedback.

Find, Save and Enjoy High-Quality Movies Right Away

[!] This is NOT a Youtube Downloader. Due to restrictions of the Google Web Store Policies and Developer Program Policies this extension can not save Youtube Videos.

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Video Downloader Ultimate插件下载
