

Barbie Doll Theme & Barbie Dream Wallpaper插件截图

【图】Barbie Doll Theme & Barbie Dream Wallpaper(截图1)【图】Barbie Doll Theme & Barbie Dream Wallpaper(截图2)

Barbie Doll Theme & Barbie Dream Wallpaper插件简介

Replace your new tab with the * Custom page, with bookmarks,apps, games and * wallpaper.

New Tab with Barbie Doll wallpapers! Great images of Barbie Doll for your custom browser!
New Tab Barbie Doll Custom NEW TAB extension overtakes your regular New Tab.
New Tab extension with Fan material of Barbie Doll HD Wallpapers.

– With every new tab, you will have great wallpapers of Barbie Doll
– Below the search bar, we have affiliate links with great offers
– Click on the Settings button to turn ON/OFF Weather and Time option
– Click on Backgrounds to save your favorite background and set it as default
– There is a shortcut to change the wallpapers on the lower left side
– You may also change the wallpaper if you just refresh the page. If you want to change your saved default wallpaper – just unheart it and it will be back to random
– Play games by pressing the joystick icon in the upper left side
Rate our extension by pressing the heart button and marking the stars you wish to give us.
We really appreciate the feedback.

How to remove Barbie Doll:
– Right-click on the Heart-Shaped icon in the toolbar and click on Remove from Chrome

Barbie Doll is an extension made by fans for fans and the copyright belongs to the respective owners of the material and ****. It is unofficial and if there should be any problem please alert us and we will resolve it.
Download more free extensions with awesome full HD wallpapers on https://lovelytab.com

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Barbie Doll Theme & Barbie Dream Wallpaper插件下载
