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Quick Links for Twitter [FVD插件截图

【图】Quick Links for Twitter [FVD](截图1)【图】Quick Links for Twitter [FVD](截图2)

Quick Links for Twitter [FVD插件简介

Twitter Quick Links – Quick access to most popular Twitter pages. Twitter快速链接-快速访问最受欢迎的Twitter页面。

Easy to use Twitter Widget allows you to quickly access to most popular Twitter URLs. In the settings you can customize and add new Twitter pages.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

To enable this widget and get more features you need to install FVD Speed Dial.

or directly from Google Webstore:

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★


易于使用的Twitter小部件允许您快速访问最流行的Twitter url。在这些设置中,您可以自定义和添加新的Twitter页面。


http://x2t.com/Speed Dial


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Quick Links for Twitter [FVD插件下载
